Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Add network folder to Windows Library

If you want to add a network folder to your Windows 8 libraries you’re usually presented with a dialogue telling you that the folder needs to indexed.

This is the workaround.

1. Create folder on disk. For example : c:\images

2. Delete folder

3. CTRL+Q to search. cmd as admin.

4. mklink /d c:\image \\server\images

5. Done.

Now all images are easily accessed from your windows libraries. Plus they get indexed.

Conditional filtering on Sharepoint Lists

To do conditional filtering on one or several Sharepoint 2010 lists

1. Create a new page.
2. Insert Web parts Sharepoint List Filter or Text Filter
3. Insert webpart for one or more lists
4. On Text Filter webpart, choose Edit
5. Choose Connections>Send Filter Values to “ListName”
6. Configure Connection > Choose column (Consumer Field Name) to filter against.
7. Save
imageimage8. Enter value in Text Filter webpart to filter.
The Sharepoint List Filter webpart can be used if you have a list where you can retrieve a column which can want to filter by. There’s a built in limitation in the Sharepoint list view for 100items. This can circumvented in some yet unknown way.
Requires full Sharepoint 2010 Enterprise Server.

Monday, September 24, 2012

VPN Setup for Server 2008 R2

It’s good to have access to the home network occasionally. This is purely for my own convenience

This is how to setup Server 2008 R2

1. Install role “Network policy and Access services”

2. Select role services “Routing and Remote Access”>Remote Access Services |Routing

3. Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access from node

4. Choose Custom Configuration

5. Choose “VPN Access”

6. Finish and Start Service.

7. Add static address pool to the IPv4 tab on the Routing and remote access.


Now for the firewall ports must be opened: PPTP:1723 TCP 47 GRE . L2TP over IPSEC: 1701, TCP 500 UDP .

These ports are opened auto in Windows Firewall. For the physical firewall, in this case a Juniper Netscreen 5GT do following.

    • set service CustomPPTP group “other” 47 src 2048-2048 dst 2048-2048
    • set service CustomPPTP + tcp src 0-65535 dst 1723-1723
    • set vip multi-port
    • Save and reboot firewall.
    • set interface ethernet3 vip 2048 CustomPPTP mylocalserverIP (This might be a bit flaky and can be set from the gui instead).
    • set policy from untrust to trust “any” “VIP::1” CustomPPTP permit



Friday, September 21, 2012

Macbook != Cisco


Macbook Pros and Macbook Air suddenly couldn’t connect to the wireless network at a company I manage. The users claimed it worked perfectly at home and at hotels and such. All Windows, ipads and iphones worked without hitches. This issue occurs both on a secure and a non-secure SSID that passed through the same AP (Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Access Point).


When connecting to the network from a Mac of version OSX 10.6.8,10.7.4 or 10.8.1 it didn’t work or it barely worked. Usually connection couldn’t even be established. Instead ending with a Connection reached maximum timeout message. Other times the connection established but lost all lot of pings and internet access usually didn’t work.  I tried all the usually mac troubleshooting issues that have been reported with Lion. recreated network zone, changed encryption methods. Updated OSX. Called Macsupport (big waste of time, they’re really homeuser oriented).   I setup a different AP of brand Zyxel but the issue persisted. It was all a big headach and really enforced my distaste for Macbooks overall.

Finally I turned my attention to the Cisco units and after som searching I found an issue that seemed but match mine.


Disable the client load balancing on the Cisco AP. On this particular modell I had to disable the whole Aironet Extension to get rid of the function. When this change was made on all AP. The issue vanished without a trace. Why haven’t Apple or Cisco fixed this I wonder?

  1. />configure terminal
  2. />interface dot11radio 0 (or 1 for 5Ghz if n is used)
  3. /> not dot11 extension aironet
  4. /> end
  5. /> copy running-config startup-config

References: – all possible solutions to mac-wifi issues.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Windows 8–still no volume shortcut

Same plague as with previous version. No builtin method to raise or lower volume by keyboardcommands. Something I value since I need to be able to mute or lower volume when call comes in. Using the mouse isn’t effective.

So we still need to use same program as with Windows 7


Download it here :

Then to put it autostart for Windows 8, use path : C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Just copy the shortcut from above Programsfolder.
I usually prefers to change the shortcut-keys to WIN+F11 = Lower, WIN+F12 = Raise, WIN+F10 = Mute. This because the default key is WIN+Mousewheel Up/Down which kind defeats the purpose of a KEYBOARD-shortcut…


Friday, September 14, 2012

Windows 8 Refresh

A new feature of Windows 8 is the ability to refresh your computer. A built-in way to completly reinstall your os without having to do any actual work. The downside of this is that you have to reinstall all your custom applications.
That is unless you modify the refresh baseline!
To do this,
  1. Make sure your system is set up the way you like it, with Office and common tools etc.
  2. Run cmd in adminmode
  3. mkdir c:\Backup
  4. recimg –createimage c:\backup
  5. Wait, this might take a while
Now, the next time refresh is used in Windows, this is the image that will be used.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

IE10 and certificates

I’ve started using Windows 8 now. Some issues will appear.
This is one of them.
Websites that are using self-signed certificates or certificates shorter than 1024bits encryption cannot be accessed using Internet Explorer 10. Browser doesn’t allow it.
This is a workaround for the issue:
  1. From elevated cmd run : certutil -setreg chain\minRSAPubKeyBitLength 512
  2. Restart cert propagation service.
  3. Reload webpage.
This is probably going to be solved in MS patch in time for the real Windows 8 release in oktober.


If you for some reason gotten stuck with an windows.old folder on your system that is eating away at your precious bytes, this is clean way to get rid of them.

1. Run Disk Cleanup

2. Choose Clean up system files

3. Select Previous Windows installations

4. Ok

This method have to be more nice to the system rather than just deleting it.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Scheduled reboot of Juniper SSG5

To schedule a reboot of a firewall of model Juniper SSG5:

  1. 1. Make sure firewall have accurate time
  2. 2. Telnet or SSH to firewall
  3. 3. /> set timer mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm action reset


Powershell and Uptimerobot

Uptimerobot can be quite tedious when you need to update many monitors at once. For example say you bought the license for Uptimerobot and n...