I had a request to hide checkin comments from searchresults in Sharepoint 2013. I decided to hide the column from the index.
This can be done from UI- Central Administration>Search Service>Search Schema > Crawled Properties> Ows__checkinComment
- Uncheck Include in full-text index
- Full crawl
Or with powershell
Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell
$name = "ows__CheckinComment"$searchapp = get-spenterprisesearchserviceapplication
$crawledprop = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataCrawledProperty -SearchApplication $searchapp -Name $name
$crawledprop.IsMappedToContents = $false
And full crawl-----------startFullCrawlOnAllContents.ps1----------------
Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell$contents = get-spenterprisesearchcrawlcontentsource -SearchApplication "Search Service Application"
foreach ($content in $contents)
if ($content.crawlstatus -eq "Idle")
write-host "Idle, running crawl on $($content.name)"
else {write-host "$($content.name) is not idle or on nogo-list" }}
One thing to keep in mind is if CheckInComments column is visible on any Views on the site, that view will be returned in results.