Saturday, March 19, 2011

Very pretty boot analysis tool

While I’ve previously used BootRacer to get a general idea of my computers boottime I’ve now come across a much better tool. Sure Sysinternals autoruns is the perfect tool for monitoring your boot processes it just doesn’t give all the information. Enter Soluto Boot Analysis. This great tool gives you an overview of solutoexactly how long each application takes to start and gives you the option to delay it or pause. If you want to remove it completly it’ll have to be done the old fashioned way. It also gives you overall information of the application, how many Soluto users worldwide is using this app, and whether not they’ve opted to pause it or not. It’s also carrying a pretty interface that’s kind of cool. Try it out!


Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Easy way to go from dvd to usb

Reinstallation of systems is something I do on a pretty frequent basis. Problem is that I pretty much left disk-readers behind me. to much work overall, an unnecessary expense and not mention: very oldschool.

The other day I came upon a very handy tool from Microsoft that I just can’t understand why they doesn’t promote any better. The tool of the hour is Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool.

Contrary to the name, you really need to download your own ISO files to use this handy software. The point is that the software prepares an USB-stick to be bootable from and moves files, creates bootpartitions and whatnot. Something, I for one, thought was a very distracting process. Not mention that I usually bounce from XP to 7 and this usually messes with my bootpartitions immensly.

This tool saves me time. thats enough for me.

Download it and try it out!


Powershell and Uptimerobot

Uptimerobot can be quite tedious when you need to update many monitors at once. For example say you bought the license for Uptimerobot and n...