Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Easy way to go from dvd to usb

Reinstallation of systems is something I do on a pretty frequent basis. Problem is that I pretty much left disk-readers behind me. to much work overall, an unnecessary expense and not mention: very oldschool.

The other day I came upon a very handy tool from Microsoft that I just can’t understand why they doesn’t promote any better. The tool of the hour is Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool.

Contrary to the name, you really need to download your own ISO files to use this handy software. The point is that the software prepares an USB-stick to be bootable from and moves files, creates bootpartitions and whatnot. Something, I for one, thought was a very distracting process. Not mention that I usually bounce from XP to 7 and this usually messes with my bootpartitions immensly.

This tool saves me time. thats enough for me.

Download it and try it out!



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