Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Great week for WinPhone and Windows

This week we got both Skype for WinPhone and much sought after upgrade for Skydrive!

Skype has been in the works for months! Now I can finally call people from my phone when Im at home in my mountain lair with incredible bad cellphone reception!

Also updated is the Skydrive services. New this time is a clientapplication which makes skydrive available through Windows Explorer, just like an ordinary folder. What’s nice with this is that you can also add your skydrive folders to your Windows Libraries. My Lumia 800 autouploads all taken pictures to my Skydrive, so taken pictures now magicly turns upp in my Windows Picturelibrary!

I’ve previously been trying to make this work through a myriad of third party applications and hacks but they can now all pass into the past. Good thing too, since they’ve got nothing on the MS Skydrive app! Im curious though, too if MS will merge Skydrive and Mesh in the future. Now they’re both active in the activity field and other than it looks a bit messy with all these extra icons it’s probably not very memory effective.

As of now my mesh is eating up:

MSOSync.exe 4MB, WLSync.exe 23MB, MOE.exe 47MB. Totalt 74MB.

Skydrive.exe 10MB .

Hmm, they could probably trim the Mesh-services a bit I think, though Skydrive most likely only connects to online webservices and doesn’t “think”. Hopefully this will all sort itself out in Windows 8.

Here’s MS promovideo of the new skydrive:

SkyDriveVideo.mp4 , can also be viewed on blog below, since this link probably doesn’t work…



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