Friday, November 16, 2012

Outlook disconnects ballon messages

On some customers Remote Desktop Servers (Terminal Servers) these messages just keep showing up. Though everything is working as it should, there’s just something with the way these messages update their status on TS-environment.

So to keep users from getting panic from these messages you can easily disable these by right clicking on Outlook in the activity field and uncheck Show Network Connectivity Changes image

This doesn’t work very well on a TS-environment. So to solve this we push out a registrychange through Group Policy Preferences. In example below we are using Outlook 2007, therefore Office\12.0 . For 2010 use \14.0\.


  1. Add Registry Item
  2. HKEY_Current_User
  3. Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Display Types\Balloons
  4. Value: NetConn = 0





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