Thursday, December 20, 2018


For a developer environment I had a few certificates that needed automatic renewal at certain intervals. The script below uses the PSPKI module to check if certificates are expiring on IIS-Site in X days and if so, renews the agains a local certification authority.
The PSPKI -module is really god for sending and approving certification requests  via Powershell when Microsofts own tools leaves room for improvement.

This is really only for a testenviroment and offline-enviroments.
Folder structure needs to created to look below

Certini contains the template for the certificate like below for example
Signature = "$Windows NT$"
Subject = "C=US,S=CA,L=OHIO,O=Fabrikam,OU=IT,"
Exportable = TRUE
KeyLength = 4096
KeySpec = 1
KeyUsage = 0xa0
MachineKeySet = True
ProviderName = "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider"
ProviderType = 12
Silent = True
SMIME = False
RequestType = PKCS10
FriendlyName = ""

References:  - PSPKI Module

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