Friday, November 27, 2020

Sharepoint 2019 and mysites

 I had some problems with the old familiar "Working on it" for mysites in Sharepoint 2019. It was difficult to find information about this, Im guessing the installation base for world wide on-premise installations is dropping.

Key information when troubleshooting

- On User Profile, attribute "Personal Site Capabilities" is set after user visits mysite for the first time. Default behaviour seems to be setting this to 4. Meaning only storage.
- To reset user mysite, remove the mysite and attributes for mysite and Personal Site Capabilites are automaticly removed from User Profile
- To check ULSViewer for Personal Site Capabilites settings, filter for eventid =  aj1lz
- FeedServiceIdentifier is based on Microfeeds-list on user mysite, without site feature MySiteSocialDeployment no microfeeds is created.
- User Profile Service Application_ActivityFeedJob is running at 10min interval.
- To track mysite creating in ULSViewer, filter on Category = Personal Site Instantation

To solve the problem

After verifying all the user profile service properties and mysite settings I ended up with what might be a bug or might be design. The MySiteSocialDeployment seems to be missing on the default mysite template. So using the solution from Trevors site below i built some scripts for easier deployment in case Microsoft updates onet.xml i future updates.

So basicly first update onet.xml configuration site with ID 10 to include the missing MySiteSocialDeployment-feature
Then deploy the updated file to all members with copyupdatefile.ps1
Finally update sitemaster with newsitemaster.ps1
Remove previously created mysites to trigger mysite-creation with correct features.

Details about PersonalSiteCapabilites
the fix from Trevor
Good details about Fast Site Creating
Another site with same fix
German site using the same fix

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