Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sharepoint alert user when case is assigned

To set your own alertsystem to notify user when they are assigned a case.
1. Set up a securitygroup in Sharepoint where you add your users. You need to configure their emails in sharepoint user config. Your sharepointserver also need to be able to send emails. Aka you’ve already setup your smtp.
2. In your sharepointlist, choose Create a workflow in Sharepoint Designer.
3. If CurrentItem:Assigned is not empty e-mail CurrentItem:Assigned
To make this fly the assigned column need to be of type Person or Group and only allow selection from Sharepointgroup you’ve previously created.
In Sharepoint Designer you can now edit Start Options for the workflow to start automatically when an items is changed or created.
You can also design the email which is sent to the user to contain basically anything from the current item.

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