Friday, July 10, 2015

Newsfeed acting up

When mounting a production mysite to a dev-environment I got some exciting problems with the newsfeedpage.

Posting new items worked fine. No errors, but when trying to comment other users threads following errors was dropped in our laps

Using the excellent Microsoft error translater I got this
Svenskt: Detta kunde inte posta eftersom vi har lite problem för tillfället.
English: This couldn't be posted because we're having some issues at the moment.
Same time this event 8306 shows in eventlog on server
After some digging in the ULS-logs I found this
STS Call Claims Saml: Problem getting output claims identity. Exception: 'System.InvalidOperationException: GetUserProfileByPropertyValue: Multiple User Profiles
Ok, so maybe profile problem. I check my profiledb and fine there is two profiles for my account since Im using both claims and windows in my testenvironment. I remove the one not used and try to reply to a post again.
I’m awarded with a new error
So now we’re getting somewhere!
Translating stupid swedish server…
Svenska: Det gick inte att kontrollera rekursionen.
English: Recursion check failed.

Found excellent post which solved by problems.
So I trow away my FeedIdentifier for my troubled users and re-access mysite using said user  and now It works!

Update FeedIdentifier for problem users by deleting value for Feed Service Provider Defined Identifer and login on users mysite to recreate.
Its also possible to recreate string using new mysites siteID. Code on post below.

Mysites are not to thrown around easily Especially between farms, even if they are in the same domain. All sites are have unique siteids. Had we also restored the user profile service we probably wouldn’t have this issue, but then that is a whole lot extra work. Therefore I now empty this Feed Identifiers with scripts when attaching mysites from production for selected users to make everything shine.

References: – solution and extra code for fix – localized error messages

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