Thursday, September 17, 2015

List installed Sp2013 updates

Get list of installed updates for Sharepoint 2013.
If languagepacks are installed these parentdisplaynames will need to be added with –or

$myfilename = "InstalledHotFixes.htm"
#settings end
$outputfile = "$(split-path -Parent $myinvocation.MyCommand.Definition)\$myfilename"

$items = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*
$spitems = $items |where-object {$_.parentdisplayname -like "Microsoft Sharepoint Server 2013"}
$spitems |select displayname,installdate,urlinfoabout,parentdisplayname |format-table -AutoSize
$spitems |select displayname,installdate,urlinfoabout,parentdisplayname | ConvertTo-html|Out-File $outputfile

write-output "Total patches: $($spitems.count)"
Invoke-Expression $outputfile


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